News • Forty years of the Society

This year marks the fortieth anniversary of the German Railway Society. A retrospective article is in the latest issue of the Society journal Merkur. Look out for coverage elsewhere in the railway modelling press too.
As we enter our fifth decade we are as keen as ever to encourage those with an interest in German railways, whether prototype, model, or both, to join the Society and benefit from the knowledge accumulated over the last four decades. As a member you will gain access to the archive of Merkur, including a searchable article title index. You can also join our forum to share knowledge.
In the pandemic of the last 18 months we’ve held a number of virtual meetings which have become another way for members to meet and socialise. In addition, we very much hope to resume our annual model railway exhibition, Globalrail, which like the majority of events could not go ahead either in 2020 or this year.