Publications | Signalling Guides The German Signalling guide - an in-depth study
Covering DRB, DB and DR semaphore signals: their range and usage including their locations, numbering and the associated track and turnout numbering. Better grasp what video and earlier epoch pictures show, and keep your modelling practice correct.
59 pages and 119 diagrams.
Contents include descriptions and explanations of all aspects of German signalling practices and equipment. Over 60 pictures plus diagrams. Written by GRS member with first hand experience of signalling across Europe. For a fuller review, see Continental Modeller, April 2014.
The German Signalling Guides series
This publication forms the basis for our Signalling Guides series:
- The German Signalling Guide (this book)
- Colour-light signalling in West and East Germany
- German Railway Auxiliary Signalling
- Development of railway signalling detailing Prussia, Bavaria and Saxony
Note that this publication was previously listed under the title: ‘German semaphore signalling (including track and points numbering)’

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- UK £14.50
- Europe £17.50
- Rest of world £20.00
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